VistoSMS's SMS Real Estate Solution Helps Realtors Sell More

Closing a sale requires strong relationships and communication. While excellent communication can help turn a lead into a client, the relationship piece counts even more in real estate. When buying a new family home, office space, or investment property, buyers need to feel supported and in control. Use SMS to keep customers in the loop and show you care. From the initial inquiry to handing over the keys, 62 percent of clients prefer receiving notifications via SMS. Reach your customers how they want with VistoSMS’s real estate SMS solution. ‍

Benefits of real estate text message marketing

It’s Affordable

It's Affordable

With low costs per conversion and higher engagement rates, real estate text messaging is an affordable communication tool. High ROI means your communication costs are lower per sale. Textline is an excellent, low-cost option for real estate businesses like yours.
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SMS is Personal

SMS is Personal

Like a friendly smile, a personalized follow-up text message adds a personal touch to your outreach. Sending upcoming event reminders, letting your potential buyers know about new listings first, or sending a happy holidays text can foster better relationships with your clients.  Texting is a more natural and friendly way of communicating than professional methods like email. You can also use GIFs or emojis to communicate in a fun way with your clients.
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Better Client Communication

Better Client Communication

Keep in touch with potential buyers and renters with an effective client communication channel. Send surveys via text, engage in two-way conversations, or broadcast mass text messages to your real estate prospects. With SMS you can reach contacts quickly, gather replies, and get feedback. Start using SMS today and enjoy the highly responsive method of communication.

Buyers report that factors such as excellent communication, friend or family referrals, and reputation helped them select a realtor. SMS is a great way for realtors to improve communication, solicit referrals, and get reviews to build reputation. As a result, consider using SMS to help your business build reputation and a great customer communication experience.
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Higher Response Rate

Higher Response Rate

Don’t waste time sending an unopened email or trying to call at the right time. Real estate moves fast, and your customers deserve to get information straight away. Text messages have higher open and response rates than email, and the average text message is read within three minutes of being sent. Take advantage of texting’s sky-high engagement rates to give your real estate business a competitive edge.

With SMS you’ll likely see more replies and a higher conversion rate. Plus, SMS subscribers are typically more engaged than email subscribers.
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Text marketing use cases for real estate

Stand out from the crowd with a comprehensive real estate texting strategy using TVistoSMS. Discover how realtor businesses like yours use text messages to convert more leads into homebuyers.

Promote new property listings

Send new property listings to local contacts to generate interest or let clients know when the price of a home drops. Segment your contact list by property type or neighborhood, so your messages get seen by the right people. Promote new property listings with VistoSMS and increase the chances of finding the right buyer.

Send reminders for open house showings

Invite your contacts to open house events via text message. Schedule automated reminders to send in the lead-up to the big day to boost the number of visitors. You can also use SMS to send attachments like brochures or other additional information after the open house. This allows you to follow up to keep them engaged and adds a personal touch.

Send templated messages about properties

Save time when contacting leads by creating real estate SMS templates. Create a text template for a new listing, an open house, or a reduced-price property. After creating a template, it’s easy to customize and send out your message in just a few clicks. It saves you time because you won’t need to continuously type new messages from scratch. With VistoSMS, you can re-use your template. This makes communicating critical information to your potential buyers easier and quicker.

Recruit new realtors

Real estate text messages aren’t just for sales. Use your SMS system to manage recruitment and build relationships with potential new realtors. Invite job applicants to interviews, remind them of upcoming deadlines, or screen applicants via SMS. Textline streamlines communication with our central SMS dashboard. This makes it easy for your team to keep track of inbound and outbound conversations no matter the use case.

Real estate SMS marketing tips

Want to get the best out of your VistoSMS solution? Here are our expert tips to make the most of your SMS marketing efforts.

Add a personal touch

Customers want to know they’re talking to a real person, so keep your real estate text messages personalized. Write messages that include their name or something you know about them. Ask them how they are, prove you’re listening, and be kind. With Textline, you can even send GIFs, emojis, or images to make your messages stand out. You also could send a "welcome to your new home" message on their move-in day. SMS messages allow your business to go the extra mile for your customers.

Keep messages short and sweet

Remember, no one has time to read that lengthy email message. SMS is effective because it’s short, concise, and to the point. This means your leads can read and respond fast. As a result, make sure to keep your messages short. Take advantage of the two-way message to engage your leads in a genuine back-and-forth conversation.

Provide value with each message

While it’s clear that short messages get the best open and engagement rates, ensure that each message you send contains relevant information. Messages that add value are seen as necessary and important by your audience. On the other hand, messages that contain no relevant information will likely make potential customers opt out of messages. With each message, be sure to include the reason for your message or a specific call-to-action. For example, if you’re inviting customers to an open house, make that clear in the message. Let potential property buyers understand why you’ve contacted them and what they should do next.

SMS Examples/Templates for Real Estate Use

Text messaging is a powerful communication channel for real estate professionals due to its speed and efficiency. Real estate SMS marketing is helping those in the industry sell more properties, get new customers, and better serve clients.

Let a client know they can text you

Hi {{contact first name}}. This is {{real estate agent}} from {{real estate company}}. I just sent you an email, but I wanted you to have my number in case it's easier to call or text 🙂 Are there any questions I can help answer now?

Information request from a lead

Hi {{contact name}}. Thanks for signing up for texts from {{real estate company.}} Are you looking to buy or sell a property?

Send property information

Hi {{contact name}}! Thanks for requesting more information about the property at {{address}}. It is a {{X}}-bed {{X}}-bath, single family home built in {{year.}} It’s list price is {{dollar amount}}. Are you available this week to discuss more about this property? - {{real estate agent name}} from {{company}}.

Promote property listings

Hi {{contact name}}! This is {{real estate agent name}} from {{company}}. There are a few properties I think you’d be interested in. Here are some links to view them in greater detail: {{Listing link 1}} {{Listing link 2}} {{Listing link 3}}

Share a coming-soon property listing

Hi {{contact name}}. Are you still thinking about [neighborhood]? I found a new listing coming on the market {{date}} and wanted you to be the first to know! - {{real estate agent name}} from {{company}}.

Promote open houses

Hi {{contact name}}. {{Agent name}} here from {{company]}. We have a few open houses that you may be interested in. Here’s a breakdown of the locations and times: {{Address 1}} on {{date}} from {{time}} to {{time}} {{Address 2}} on {{date}} from {{time}} to {{time}} {{Address 3}} on {{date}} from {{time}} to {{time}}

Let me know if you plan to stop by any of these!

Schedule a showing for a specific property

‍Hi {{contact name}}! Thanks for reaching out about the property at {{address}}. Do you want to schedule a showing on {{date}}? Reply YES if interested. - {{real estate agent name}}, {{company}}

Confirm a showing to reduce no-shows

Hi {{contact name}}. Your showing for the property at {{address}} is {{date}} at {{time}}. Please reply C to confirm your showing. Thanks! - {{real estate agent name}} from {{company}}

Showing or appointment reminder

Hi {{contact name}}. This is a reminder that you scheduled a showing for the property at {{address}} on {{date}} at {{time}}. Please call or text if you need to reschedule. - {{real estate agent name}} from {{company}}

Reschedule a showing

Hi {{contact name}}. This is {{real estate agent name}} from {{company}}. I’m reaching out to see if you can move our showing that was scheduled for {{date}} at {{time}} to another time this week. Something personal came up.

Thank you post-showing

Hi {{contact name}}. Thanks for stopping by {{address}} on {{date}}. I hope you got a good feel for the house and {{property benefit}}. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Follow-up template for a new lead - buyer

Hi {{}}. Thanks for reaching out on {{website name}}. What is your availability this week? I’d love to set up a {{x}} minute appointment to better understand what you’re looking for in your home search! - {{real estate agent name}} from {{ company name }}.

Follow-up template for a new lead - seller

Hi {{contact name}}.Thanks for reaching out about selling your property. What is your availability this week? I’d love to schedule a time to discuss how we can get your home to sell!

Home valuation

Hi {{contact name}}. I’ll have your home valuation ready by {{date}}. I’m using the information you provided on your contact form and data on recent house sales on {{street name}}. - {{real estate agent name}} from {{company name}}.

Home inspection

Hi {{contact name}}. Your home inspection is scheduled for {{date}} at {{time}}. Reply if you need to change the appointment date or time! Thanks - {{real estate agent name}} from {{company name}}.

Automate replies when with a client

Hi {{}}. Thanks for reaching out! I’m currently with another client but would love to speak with you after. Can I call you after {{time}}?

Out-of-office auto-reply

Hi {{}} Thanks for reaching out! I’m currently out of the office but would love to connect when I am back. Can I give you a call on {{date}

Price drop text to interested leads

Hi {{contact name}}. {{Name}} here from {{company]}. The property at {{address}} has dropped from {{dollar amount}} to {{dollar amount}}. Are you interested in scheduling a tour?

Check-in with potential home buyers

Hi {{contact name}}. It sounds like you really liked the property at {{address}}. Are there any questions I can answer for you about the property or the next steps?

Information request from a client

Hi {{contact name}}. The potential buyers want to know if {{item}} is included in the listing price. Would you consider adding it? - {{real estate agent name}} from {{company}}.

Offer accepted

Congratulations, {{contact name}}! 🎉 You have a new home! The sellers have accepted your offer. - {{real estate agent name}} from {{company}}.

Final walk-through update

Hi {{contact name}}. I just wanted to let you know that the buyers completed the final walk-through today. Everything went smoothly! - {{real estate agent name}}

Under contract text

Hi {{}}. Thanks for your interest in the property at {{address}}. I wanted to let you know the house is currently under contract. However, similar properties in the area are being listed soon and I’m happy to arrange a showing! - {{real estate agent name}} from {{company}}.

Client retention text

Hi {{contact name}}. This is {{real estate agent name}}.I hope you’re feeling settled and enjoying your new home! 😊 I thought you’d be interested in learning more about how to increase your home’s value over the next few years. Check out our blog here:{{link}}.

Share helpful content

Hi {{contact name}}. {{Real estate agent name}} here. One of the first steps to buying a home is getting pre-approved. I’m sharing an article with you that discusses this in more detail: {{link}}

Ask for a review

Hi {{contact name}}. Thank you for trusting me as your realtor. Would you be willing to write a review? Your feedback is so valuable! {{Link to review page}}

Ask for a referral

Hi {{contact name}} Congrats again on the home sale! I enjoyed working with you. If you know of anyone who may be looking for a realtor, feel free to send them my way. - {{real estate agent name}} from {{company}}.

Reengage a past lead - seller

Hi {{contact name}}. You reached out to us last year about potentially selling your property at {{address}}. Another home in that location just sold for {{price}}. Are you still interested in selling that property? - {{real estate agent name}} from {{company}}.

Reengage a past lead - buyer

Hi {{contact name}}. You reached out last year looking to buy a property in {{city}}. We have {{X}} number of properties for sale there. Are you still interested? - {{real estate agent name}} from {{company}}.

Send a quick text to a client to update them

Hi Sarah! This is {{real estate agent name}} from {{company}}. I am running about {{X}} minutes behind for the showing. Can you plan to meet at {{time}} instead?

Real estate SMS Best Practices

Keep it short and simple

Short message service texts are limited to 160 characters, making it critical to keep your messages short and simple. Keeping a message concise allows a recipient to read it and respond quickly. This is especially helpful as the average human attention span is just 8.25 seconds. Another key to text messaging is to keep it simple. Don’t overuse abbreviations or make the message unnecessarily complicated. Instead, aim to get your point across in a clear way.

Get client permission to text

To stay compliant with the laws that regulate texting, make sure you get an opt-in from clients to text them. It is important to ask permission and explain why you’ll be texting your clients. There are several ways to get an opt-in, including having customers text you first, asking them in person, or having them fill out a lead form. It’s important to note that if your customer willingly gave you their phone number, this can serve as an opt-in. However, if you want extra confirmation, you could send them an opt-in text as your first message.

Here’s an example of what that opt-in text could look like:

Hi Sarah! This is Renee from Realtors Plus. We are now able to text with our customers to share new listings, schedule showings, and share pertinent updates. Do you agree to receive texts from me during the process?

Personalize your messages

Texting allows for quick two-way communication, but it is also very personal. That’s because your messages will be going to a client's personal mobile device. As a result, a good way to ensure your messages are read and received well, make sure to add a personal touch. In other words, don’t make it feel like you are sending bulk SMS to all of your clients. Personalized messages go a long way in building trust and keeping your clients happy.

Introduce yourself in your messages

It is a good practice to introduce yourself or your company in your text messages. This ensures that your client immediately knows who the message is from. It may even increase your response rate.

Pay attention to frequency and timing

When it comes to business texting, remember to keep frequency in mind. You don’t want to overwhelm your clients with hundreds of messages. Instead, make sure you are only texting them relevant information. Sending too many text messages could frustrate your clients and make them less likely to open your messages. Additionally, pay attention to the timing of when you send messages. Nobody wants to get woken up by a text message in the middle of the night or early in the morning. As a best practice, try to stick to sending messages during business hours unless it is an important and relevant update.

Create templates

Creating text templates that answer frequently asked questions will result in you saving time and effort. This enables you to focus on closing more deals and other top-of-license duties. VistoSMS enables you to create and save these templates in our platform so they are easy to access and use. It cuts out needing to type the same response over and over.

The bottom line

Business texting is a great way for real estate agents and brokers to communicate with their clients. It enables quick and effective back-and-forth communication, which is key to closing deals. If you’re looking to add text messaging to your wheelhouse to supplement phone calls and emails, VistoSMS has you covered. VistoSMS makes it easy for those in the real estate business to schedule showings and follow up with real estate leads.


Yes, SMS real estate marketing is legal.

Like any form of business communication, there are regulations that real estate agents must follow when using SMS marketing software. This includes listening to federal and state regulators like the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Committee. Regulations that businesses must follow include the CAN-SPAM Act and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.

VistoSMS takes compliance seriously. We have extensive experience ensuring messages sent from our platform are legal and abide by regulations. We help your business adapt to this new method of communication.

SMS real estate messages help realtors and agents reach their customers faster, gather more responses, and turn more leads into customers. Realtors send clients messages to build relationships and help property buyers navigate the home-buying process.

In general, studies show that homebuyers prefer to receive personalized SMS messages from their real estate agent over other forms of communication. Sending an SMS message is fast, visible immediately, and accessible to anyone with a cell phone. In other words, there’s no need to log in to a website or download an app to get the real estate message.

Plus, text messaging is a much faster and convenient method of communication. Emails may be unread for many days, direct mail takes time to be delivered, and a phone call won’t always be answered. Property buyers need information to make decisions fast and often prefer to be contacted via SMS.